By Paul McCormack
The latest cure for snoring has been launched today by UK based company Adkins Snoring Aid. They claim to have a product guaranteed to stop the causes of snoring.
This innovative new product is simply inserted into the nostrils to inhibit the airflow through the nose, re-training the way you breathe.
Product designer, Chris Grant, told Dunedin Napier News he is delighted with the early feedback the product has received: “We have had great success from people who have trialled the product, they can’t believe something so simple and easy to use has worked.
“Our method uses a completely different train of thought to cure snoring and we are offering the product free of charge on our website, with the purchaser only having to pay for the postage and packaging.”
Snoring is a problem which affects more than 3.5 million people in the UK, with research indicating it is a more common problem among males.
This product could be welcomed by partners of snorers, who can suffer from sleep deprivation leading to stress and high blood pressure.